It's Here! The latest and greatest Community Crier.

Town Meeting MONDAY. Elections Next Tuesday
Mr Saffords Future Vision of Lancaster
Love the Main St sky filled with Dirigibles! Wish we did have a trolley, and a monorail... great for my commute!


At long last, the latest Community Crier is here.  Lots, and lots going on in May! So please take time to read the details.  This week the talk of the town is all about Town Meeting Monday evening. Town elections follow next week.  Not all of you are political junkies as I am, but Town meeting is pretty special (some say boring). It is not, even the quiet ones. This meeting is your chance to legislate, you vote to approve or disapprove the budget and zoning articles.  This is your chance to shape Lancaster's future.  You are the committee, technically the 'legislating body'. so come determine how your tax dollars are spent, and how your town will 'look' through zoning and other issues. It is an investment in your future. 


See what Mr Saffords Futuristic Vision of Lancaster Mr. Safford envisioned for Lancaster's future? Pretty forward thinking! 

Details about the warrant (agenda)  are available on our website under the News section.'t drive? We run the MART van by reservation should you need a ride. 



Hope to see you,


p.s. Don't forget to visit us this weekend for yoga, pickleball and more! Monday is Fitness day with Tai Chi, Yoga, Pickleball, and Insanity.  Plus we still need you in the garden! Please come garden and enjoy lovely meals thanks to Harvard Pilgrim Community Health. Details, call me at 978-733-1249 ext 1102 

SAVE THE DATE June 20th. Summer Solstice Soiree!  Be there. 

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