Tax Fairness Ad hoc Committee

Lancaster’s Tax Fairness Committee was created via affirmative vote of Town Meeting, Article 16, held Wednesday, May 3, 2023. The mission of the Committee is to provide for the thoughtful and public examination of issues which surround Lancaster’s taxation including the fair allocation of tax burdens and obligations to/for residents. The Committee will work to explore potential alternatives to property taxation and how Lancaster, specifically, may reduce its reliance on residential property tax, particularly for Seniors and/or those with fixed income and/or assets.

The Committee shall investigate and provide input to the Select Board, through a comprehensive final report, regarding resident taxation and the adoption of a Senior Means-Tested Tax Emption program. The Committee will connect and create partnerships with various Town Boards and Committees to make holistic and comprehensive recommendations to the Select Board relative to tax fairness for Residents. The Committee will also explore the parameters by which Lancaster may adopt a Senior-Means-Tested Exemption program. Discussions with Town staff, other local Boards and Committees, State Legislators, the MA Council on Aging, and other tax-fairness committee members from neighboring Towns is expected and encouraged. The Committee is expected to provide a final report to the Select Board, including recommendations for short and long-term tax relief. Until that time, the Committee shall provide the Select Board with updates on a quarterly basis relative to their progress, this can be done at a Select Board meeting or via memo.

The Committee consists of seven (7) members; a majority of appointed members shall constitute a quorum. Members will be appointed as Ad-Hoc and shall serve until the final report is submitted to the Select Board for action or the Senior Means-Tested Tax Exemption program is brought forward to Town Meeting for action, whichever is sooner. In any case, no persons’ term shall be longer than three (3) years.
Specific membership parameters for the Committee include:
 One (1) member of the Finance Committee, duly recommended to the Select Board by the Finance, Committee.
 One (1) member of the Board of Assessor’s, duly recommended by the Assessors, to the Select Board.
 One (1) member of the Council on Aging or the Friends of Lancaster Seniors, duly recommended by the Council on Aging, to the Select Board; and
 Four (4) members At-Large from the Community who submit letters of interest to the Select Board. At least one (1) At-Large member must be over age sixty-five (65) at the time of appointment. All At-Large members must be current Lancaster residents.

The Committee shall elect a Chair and a Clerk responsible for maintaining all records of committee discussions, votes, actions, and business. All meetings must be conducted in conformance with Open Meeting Law including proper notification and posting of meeting times, locations, agendas, and minutes. Committee records must be maintained in conformance with Public Records Law. Requests for staff assistance, or funding for committee-related expenses, should be directed to the Town’s Director of Health & Human Services for approval and identification of funding.

Roy Rezac

Finance Comm Rep

Haidee Leclair


Susan Munyon


Sheila Casey


Debra A Sanders

Board of Assessors Rep.