October News - Flu Shots, NO Health Fair-

They're back (some changes and cancellations)
Meme from WIlly Wonka
The excitement continues! Netflix is back. can't wait to see this series.


I hope you enjoyed the superb weekend! It was the perfect fall weekend- more fall fun is yet to come. This week is business as 'usual' at the Center (That means it is crazy!). FLU SHOTS Wednesday, NO Health Fair this year. Sorry. 


Tomorrow we are looking forward to pancakes. 7:30-9 ish  I hope to sneak in some apple cinnamon pancakes. We know there will be French Toast, eggs, and the fixings. Come and get them this week because October 9th pancakes are canceled. I will explain... 

Chair Yoga at 10:30 Really Great class. Come try it! 

Rick Voutour, Our Veterans Service Agent will be here from 8-12. He works wonders, meet him tomorrow! . 

BINGO and Scrabble Tuesday afternoon. Check out the newsletter for details. 


We are hosting our FLU SHOT CLINIC Wednesday, 2:30-6. Come to see the Nashoba Nurses for your shots, bring your insurance card if you have it. This is your chance to meet our fabulous team of town nurses, grab an October newsletter and a hot cider. A great service- you will thank us when the flu hits. People do die of the flu, last year children and baby boomers were the hardest hit. Statistics show that 80% of those that fell ill were NOT vaccinated.  Now I know that means 20% were, but traditionally it is less severe if you are. I don't like to lose a $1 bet on a scratch ticket so you can be sure if I can be assured of an 80% chance of avoiding a horrible illness I will take it. I got a shot last year, I was sick- but I am here and was a lot less sick than I could have been. I suggest you get a shot- and the earlier the better. It takes a while to be effective. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/26/health/flu-rates-deaths.html

There is more to come this week, and we are going to release part two of the Newsletter... We had published a September/October edition but with so much going on I think we can fill up an October issue all on it's own. A preview of a new class is attached. 

This Thursday Yoga at 11, and of course Bridge on Friday.

UPDATE: Next week: They're BACK... NetFlix that is!! They will be filming around the Green- don't fret most if it is indoors and interruptions will be minimal to most activities in town. EXCEPT for the Center. To make life easier for all we have decided to cancel most activities on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 9,10,11so you don't need to fight traffic etc. Sorry for the inconvenience- but those pancakes will be even sweeter when we get back together on the 17th! Wondering if your event is on- check our newsletter coming out this week for dates and changes or give us a call at 978-870-0926 

Hope to see you soon,
