Lancaster 2035 – Share your vision

Lancaster 2035 Comprehensive Plan, sponsored by the Planning Board and Selectboard, will help guide Lancaster for years to come.

What do you want for Lancaster’s future?

We need to hear YOUR vision and your values.

The process begins with a public forum:

WHAT: A public engagement forum. Free refreshments and a gift card random drawing.

Tell your friends and family to attend. We need to hear from diverse voices.

WHERE: Mary Rowlandson Elementary School Auditorium, 103 Hollywood Dr.

WHEN: 10:00 AM, Saturday December 2, 2023

WHY: To hear your vision, values, goals, and ideas.

MORE: – Leave your comments. Sign up for project emails. See the results of the public forum and follow the process.

NEXT:   The Planning Board will discuss what we hear at the forum.  We will release a survey and hold additional community forums on the plan in the winter and spring.

The planning process is coordinated by the Planning Board, and the Town of Lancaster. Plan Sustain, Inc. is facilitating the process.

Background: The Town of Lancaster has begun the process of writing a new master plan. The plan will provide a long-term vision for the future, while strategically focusing on the most important issues and opportunities. The plan will be implementation focused with a list of suggested next steps.