Nashoba Associated Boards of Health VNA/hospice branch announcement

On June 30th, 2023, the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health (NABH) released a press statement informing their member communities of the closure of their VNA/hospice branch.  The NABH has been extremely proactive in their actions with those who are involved with this service for next steps, and they are highly responsive to any others who may have questions regarding this closure.  The link to this press release can be found here Press Release NNSH Closure. http://Press Release NNSH Closure.COMPLETE-53c0c1ea.pdf ( 

Please take careful note that this does not affect the public health nursing of the NABH.  The formal link to their homepage and services can be found here http://Nashoba Nursing Service & Hospice | Central Mass.

The NABH has provided Lancaster and many surrounding towns with excellent public health and safety services for many years and while it is regrettable that a number of factors resulted in this difficult decision, the Lancaster BOH and the Lancaster Department of Health and Human Services fully supports NABH.  If you have questions or concerns you may contact Jeff Paster at, or

This has been posted on the BOH page under New & Announcements.  http://Board of Health | Lancaster MA