Town Meeting Tomorrow! Happy May Day and of course there is more...

Come to Pancakes Tuesday for a hard 'printed' copy of the Crier


Due to some technical issues you will be getting your on-line version of the Crier tomorrow via email. I hoped to email it to you, an electronic 'knock on your door' and give you a gift- just like that wonderful tradition of giving people May Baskets. I know it is old fashioned, but I still love it. You will not be catching me dancing around the May pole, I trip on my own shoe laces- but sneaking a basket to you, Just 'may' do that!  

If you come to Town Meeting tomorrow night you 'may' pick up a hard copy of the 'Crier' there, or if you prefer at pancakes Tuesday morning. It is not predicted to be as warm as this lovely weekend, but it maybe warm enough to eat outside! We have deck heaters and the patio is set up and ready to go. I can't wait to dine al' fresco again. 

Our Annual Town Meeting (ATM) is Monday Night May 2nd. I have taken the privelege sharing my 'thoughts from the Crier' for you early as they are focused on town meeting. I do hope you join us at the ATM. If you need a ride, we can help! Town meeting is where the rubber hits the road. There has been lots of talk about taxes recently, this is where we decide how to spend them- or not. So come be part of the decision making!

Here are some documents you may wish to review, and the reasons why I hope you join us below. (here is the Budget summary, and the detailed budget if you like to 'go deep', and finally the 'enterprise budgets'


My name is Alix - I am a political junkie. OK. What a relief, it is out. Bet this is not a surprise to many of you who I might drive you crazy trying to get you to Town Meeting or to participate. It is just because I care about our community, and I know you do too. Politics, in particular local municipal politics, is the best, most direct way to influence your environment, your home, your education, and yes your taxes.  You, and your friends and neighbors can shape the Community- quickly and directly.  Let me jump on my soapbox and share my frustration -to be honest with you my disappointment about why most of us don't take advantage of this opportunity. Why am I so disappointed about this?  Well, the answer takes a minute- but it is important, and timely.   Monday May 2nd Lancaster  holds our Annual Town Meeting at the Mary Rowlandson School- 7 p.m.. I will not lie, I hope you make time in your hectic schedule to join us. All registered Lancaster voters are allowed to  vote at Town Meeting.  if you are not registered you may observe- watch and learn. 

 Why is it important? In a nutshell it is your right, I would go as far as to say your duty to 'legislate' for Lancaster. YOUR vote approves or disapproves all major items for Lancaster.  I hear a lot of people concerned about______ fill in the blank, taxes, schools, zoning and more, wait I forgot 'Chickens'!  Yes, chickens were the talk of the town in our 'RIght to Farm" community. The discussion was passionate!  It is not always so heated, often important things pass or fail with very few questions. That is not my ideal either.  When people complain to me about 'how much we pay for X, or why we cut X' I want to say- did you go to Town Meeting?  The older among us who attended town meetings will remember Marietta. She was the town watchdog and I would argue we are better for it. When she stood up to make her way to the microphone you knew she had a hard hitting question. I often did not agree with her, but knew better than to try to pull something over on her.  She was not afraid to ask 'that question'. Not everyone has Marietta's bravado-admittingly,  it is intimidating to stand up and ask questions. Honestly you don't have to, though I wish you would. You are allowed to vote. That is key. If you don't like something- vote against it. If you want to support something, vote for it! Keep officials on their toes.  Tuesday we vote on the budget among many other items. The budget is a statement of a town's priorities, please let them be YOUR priorities. The controversial zoning articles we all look forward to voting on will be on another town meeting date yet to be announced. This meeting there is a  citizen's petition asking for people to be allowed to serve on both the planning board and the ZBA. Take a minute to look at the full warrant here. People have been asking great questions on social media, but many remain to be answered accurately.  Crowdsourcing is good, but 'likes' mean nothing unless you cast the ultimate thumbs up, your vote. 

The rare privilege of voting and speaking directly to legislation is not offered in many other states, or countries you are not afforded this privilege. This small town New England structure began with the Constitution of our Commonwealth. It is how our founding fathers intended to give us the ability, the duty to govern ourselves. So please try to make it, and if you can try to channel a little Marietta- she was one special brave lady. She came to this country for freedom, and made the most of it. You should too! 

Hope to see you,